Sunday, March 3, 2013

Action Research

I have been in education for 9 years and I am shocked that this is the first time I am hearing about this type of research. I have experienced it, but indirectly. Now that I know what it is and I can pin point times that we have done activities that resemble an action research plan. I have learned that before even beginning the action research process it is important to reflect. In doing this the teachers brainstorm issues of the campuses. Then define the issue to study and make sure it is measureable and manageable. It is good to start small and remember everything cannot be changed at once. The next steps are reviewing professional literature, take action, and use and share results (Ringler, 2007). Doing this process makes the teachers an active participant in the improvement of the school. There is more chance of change if the teachers have buy in to the school's goals. They get a sense of ownership. It requires evaluating current practices and seeing how we can promote student achievement.

For my action research plan I am going to look at early interventions/ remediation. This year we started interventions for STAAR in the second semester. It is very stressful to try to get the kids prepared for the state assessment. I was wondering if I looked at the end of this year’s third graders’ results and used those to provide remediation right at the beginning of their fourth grade school year would we see more growth. So where they did not quite meet standard on readiness TEKS we provide support so that they could learn the new content without struggling. We find that this is also an issue for the second to third grade transition. So I would focus on 3rd-5th for my action research plan. I also want to look at objectives and scaffolding for the new TEKS in those grades. I still need to see if there is research on this.

Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The principal as Action Researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (pg.1-15)

Ringler, M.C.(2007). Action research: An Effective Instructional Leadership Skill for Future Public School Leaders. AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 4 (1), 27-37.


  1. I was thinking the same thing in reference to action research. We as teachers do it all the time, we just didn't know that there was a formal term for it.

  2. We had to come up with a 5 week plan to focus on getting the kids ready. Our kids were placed in groups based on their scores from last year. They are grouped by passed, high bubble, medium bubble, and low. STAAR is very stressful! Good luck on your research and I look forward to following your progress!

  3. Nice incite. We started intervention early in the year with specialists, and we started an extra Math intervention using computer time with TTM and pulling a small group during the same block. This way all students are getting Math structured to their needs, can I have the opportunity to work with my lower kids. Not with iStation, by the state also, I plan to work on setting this up for next year.
    I also focus on my current students scores. I look at the strengths and weakness I had as a teacher with my previous students, but focus on the areas these students need also.
    Hope this helps.
