Sunday, March 24, 2013

Revised Action Plan for Review

I have added a few items to my plan per the suggestions of my peers' comments and my site supervisor. I still feel that my goal is not specific enough. Any suggestions welcomed. I am only working with math students 3rd-5th grade for my research project. I am also looking for research about early intervention and intervention suggestions. If anyone knows of a site or have any direction for me it would be great. Thanks for your time. I have highlighted the new items I added.

Action Planning Template
School Vision: Every student can learn. We are the critical determinants.
Goal: To see student achievement increase on district benchmark assessments and STAAR.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with campus supervisor to review action plan
Alicia Chavez
March 2013
Principal will look over plan and make suggestions.
Disaggregate data of students that received interventions prior to the last district benchmark
Alicia Chavez
Math ALT
Math Interventionist
March 2013
Data of 3rd-5th grade math district benchmark and list of students that were provide interventions.
Progress monitoring notes of interventionist.
Data collected and sorted by student. Data will show objectives and TEKS that students have increased in.
Attend RTI meeting







RTI facilitator

Math ALT

March-May 2013

RTI plans

Intervention suggestions

Attendance in this meeting will supply direction on intervention for struggling students.
Leadership takes Bill Daggett Survey of school expectations
Leadership team
(Principal, Assistant principal, Counselor,  RTI facilitator, Bilingual interventionist, reading and math ALT
March 25,2013
Survey and discussion
This survey will be used to plan for the upcoming year
Disaggregate data of students that received intervention and after school tutoring.
Alicia Chavez, math ALT
May 2013
STAAR results
Data collected and sorted by student. Data will show objectives and TEKS that students have increased in.
Work on Campus Improvement plan
Leadership team
April-May 2013
STAAR Results
EOY Hemi results of lower grades
Using the data collect goals and action plans will be determined for the following year
Survey Teachers to identify areas of concern and TEKS that they saw were a challenge for the majority of their students.






Math ALT



Suggestions from teachers

Surveys will be used to identify some areas of concern
Teachers fill out cumulative folder reviews








Administration directive




Cumulative folders

Class list

Cum Review Document

Teachers will review cum folders looking at results of district, TELPAS, STAAR, TAKS, DRA, and HEMI results
Meet with teachers on students that are consider at risk
Math Alt
September 2013
Results by class list
Students that need interventions will be determine by teacher and facilitated by ALT Data collected and sorted by student. Data will show objectives and TEKS that students have increased in.
Interventions will be giving to students that did not meet expectations on prior years EOY assessments (3rd-5th)
Math ALT
Teachers 3rd-5th
September- October 2013
Data of students will be pulled from Eduphoria and filtered to show the students in need of assistance
Scores of assessments
Disaggregate Math BA 1 data to see improvement in targeted math students
Math ALT 3rd-5th grade teachers
October 2013
Data of students being monitored and receiving interventions
Benchmark assessment scores
Provide interventions to targeted students and instructional strategies to teachers
Math Alt and teacher 3rd-5th
October-December 2013
Data of specific TEKS not showing 70% or higher
Percentages of TEKS
Disaggregate Math BA 2 data to see improvement in targeted math students
Math ALT 3rd-5th grade teachers
December 2013
Data of students being monitored and receiving interventions
Benchmark assessment scores
Provide interventions to targeted students and instructional strategies to teachers
Math Alt and teacher 3rd-5th
December-February 2014
Data of specific TEKS not showing 70% or higher
Percentages of TEKS
Disaggregate Math BA 3 data to see improvement in targeted math students
Math ALT 3rd-5th grade teachers
February-March 2014
Data of students being monitored and receiving interventions
Benchmark assessment scores
Provide interventions to targeted students and instructional strategies to teachers
Math Alt and teacher 3rd-5th
March-April 2014
Data of specific TEKS not showing 70% or higher
Percentages of TEKS
Disaggregate data of targeted students from STAAR
Leadership team
May 2014
Data of targeted students
STAAR Scores

1 comment:

  1. Since you are worried about specificity, I would suggest focusing on a specific group of students who are low performing in an effort to close the achievement gap. Instead of gathering data about the entire school in each grade level, you can focus your attention on those kids who fall through the cracks, or get passed along. Also, most people forget about the bubble kids who are riding the wave, but could fall off at any time. I hope my suggestion helps.
